Saturday, March 27, 2010

Faces of My Tank

I have tried several different reefscapes over the past month, so here are some links:

CURRENT, Version 4.5: Pile of Rock #2:

Version 4.0: (I did not take a picture, but similar to version 4.5. I bought a bigger magnetic glass scraper so I needed to move a rock a little away from the glass but this caused a partial collapse of the structure so I rejiggered it)

Version 3.0: Mounds:

Version 2.0: Cathedral:

Version 1.0, Pile of Rock #1:

I liked The Cathedral the most, but I was unable to reproduce this. I had to take it down because I found a mantis shrimp in on of the rocks so needed to collapse the structure to remove the rock from the tank to remove the mantis shrimp from the rock (more on this in another post). The bottom line is that mantis shrimp are predatory and will kill other animals in the tank, so they can be a problem.

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